Target Audience
Generic mass audience from their 20s-50s
Brief overview
A personalized love song for a newly-wed couple – Sarah & David. Compose a soft melodic song that seals in their memories of days spent in Singapore.
The song should have a soft touch of oriental, Asia flavour. Here’s a reference to the feel of how the music tune can follow: (please see the bottom right of the website and click the song file to hear it). The music has a nice and good beautiful flow.
The client drafted some lyrics as a guide (below) but please feel free to edit the lyrics from there to suit your song. But do keep the main gist and storyline along that direction provided.
This song will be used on their actual wedding day and be distributed in a CD to their private pool of guests of about 15 people only (non-commercial, only for personal usage).
Lyrics drafted by client below (*you can edit the lyrics too!):
Sarah and David
Remember Singapore,
Your friends, the joy, the laughs, the happiness, the harmony.
Sarah and David
Remember Singapore,
The bike rides in the morning on the East coast, Pulau Ubin, the sun, the sea, the trees the flowers, the smiles.
Sarah and David
Remember Singapore,
Your morning arrivals at Changi ,the light, the pace, the energy, the life of the city.
Sarah and David
Remember Singapore
Remember November 9, 2012
Remember that we all love you.
(*Winning entry need to provide the minus-one track too.)